Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go (September)

Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go (September)

September is a completion month. In the northern hemisphere, summer is coming to a close and in the southern hemisphere, winter is ending. The year’s goals should be nearing completion. The month of September is the time to release items holding you back from finishing projects or completing goals. Continue reading

Body Feedback, Our Intuitive Selves

Body Feedback, Our Intuitive Selves

Medical intuition teaches that every injury or illness has an emotional component. Emotional issues left unrecognized or unresolved affect the area of the body most closely associated with that particular issue. For example, unresolved problems with a loved one often cause lower back issues, one of the body’s areas associated with love. Continue reading

Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go (August)

Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go (August)

Letting go of people, activities, and things that no longer serve a purpose is integral to our growth and evolution. I use the energy associated with each month to concentrate on specific areas where I need to release something or someone. This entry is part of the series Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go, which examines the use of each month’s energy for release. To read the previous entries, click on the links below: Continue reading

Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go (June)

Using Seasonal Energy to Let Go (June)

As do all of the summer months, June brings active energy. It is a good time to review relationships and our role in them in order to make necessary adjustments to improve them. This may mean changing our behavior, seeking out new bonds, or breaking ties. Continue reading