Setting Intentions to Accomplish Goals and Improve Attitude

Setting Intentions to Accomplish Goals and Improve Attitude

Most of us set daily goals—the chores, tasks, things, and projects we want or have to get done. But what if we set intentions to help accomplish those goals? The difference between goals and intentions seems subtle, but the use of intention is extremely effective. Continue reading

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 4 – Methods)

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 4 – Methods)

It is important to deal with anxiety before it causes chronic physical or serious mental issues. Experiencing anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of. It is rare to find someone who has not. The causes are many and varied, but all result from fear of what is or might be happening. Identifying the cause can be difficult, especially if anxiety occurs seemingly out of nowhere, but is necessary so you can recognize the triggers and reduce their impact. Continue reading

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 3 – Methods)

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 3 – Methods)

Although anxiety can happen without the cause being known, it usually occurs when something happens or is anticipated to happen that we find unpleasant, undesirable, or fearful. In other words, something triggers us. Because none of us our immune to anxiety, having methods to deal with it is useful in reducing its effects. Continue reading

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 2)

Dealing with Anxiety (Part 2)

Most anxiety occurs while we are experiencing or when we anticipate an unpleasant, undesirable, or fearful event. However, some people get anxiety without knowing why. Although identifying the cause of anxiety is helpful in managing it, methods to reduce anxiety will still work. As mentioned in Dealing with Anxiety (Part 1), steps to address anxiety are recognize, acknowledge, feel, and clear. Continue reading

The Waterfall Meditation: Clearing Emotion and Pain

The Waterfall Meditation: Clearing Emotion and Pain

Water and the mineral selenite are two of the most cleansing materials there are. Combining these with other minerals makes the Waterfall Meditation very effective at clearing emotion and pain from the body, as well as stimulating healing. Continue reading